Transplanting Method
Direct Seeding Method
Labour cost is high
Labour Cost is low
Seeds are not exposed
Seeds are exposed to birds, rats and snails
Plant population is assured with firm root anchorage
Plant population is not assured with less root anchorage
Seed requirement is less / hectare
Seed requirement is more / hectare
Plants tend to grow slowly because of recovery time after transplanting
Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than the transplanted paddy
Weed competition is less
Greater crop-weed competition because both grow in similar age
Nursery preparation and pulling of seedlings required
Not required
Go Organic Stay Healthy
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Monday, 1 February 2016
Advantages and Disadvantages of Transplanting and Direct Seeding Methods in Paddy Cultivation ( Rice )
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Monday, 20 April 2015
All outdoor plants require at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day
to remain healthy, retain their colour, fruit and flower. Depending on the type
of plant, remember to place it in an appropriate position where plenty of
sunlight is available.
While watering plants, keep a few things in mind:
Check soil for
moisture, if moist watering is not required. If you do expect a hot day ahead
then you could give it a bit of a sprinkle.
Make sure the soil is
never left soggy (heavily with water/moisture) for long periods letting it dry between watering. This will prevent
the plants from rotting due to suffocation. Plants like cactus need to be
watered once in a week and placed in full sun
The best time to
water plants is in the morning, before the sunlight is at its strongest intensity as
this is the optimum condition for plants to photosynthesize.
Make sure to
thoroughly clean plants up to 2 times a week to keep them dust free. Dust
interferes with the breathing of the plants and if not cleaned, plants appear
dull and tend to wilt.
All plants should be fertilized once a month. Make sure they are supplied a
balanced diet of NPK- Nitrogen,
Phosphorous and Potassium or any well-decomposed Organic fertilizer.
For leaf shine and
brightness, a weekly routine of spraying
any Organic Liquid or Soil Fertilizer is advised.
Pruning is a horticultural practice that involves the removal of certain
unwanted, diseased, non-reproducing parts of a plant. It is advised according
to a particular plant's growth habit. While pruning, keep the following points
in mind:
· Is it flowering time of the plant in question?
If it is, then wait until it is done flowering and then continue to
How much you need to prune will depend on how much you expect it to grow
within a certain period. For example if you decide to drastically prune your bougainvillea,
it will be another 6-10 months before you see in a lush bushy flowering state.
Pruning must be done systematically. A good method is to trim the young,
wild, out of shape branches before you tackle the older, more established ones.
In this way you give the plants a better form as it grows to increase its
overall aesthetic appeal. It is advised that the cutters have sharp blades or
else they could damage the plant creating and open wound susceptible to fungal
and rust diseases.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy ?
There's No Denying that standing in the garden and picking your first Summer Lemon gives you a good feeling. Even in an Urban Environment a small pot in the balcony can brighten your day. But is there a scientific reason that getting our hands dirty makes us feel Good ?
Did You Know that there's a Natural Anti-Depressant in Soil ? It's True.
Mycobacterium vaccae is the substance under study and has indeed been found to mirror the effect on neurons that drugs like Prozac Provide. The Bacterium is found in soil and may Stimulate Serotonin production, which makes you relaxed and happier. Studies were conducted on cancer patients and they reported a better quality of life and less stress.
Lack of Serotonin has been linked to Depression, Anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar problems. The bacterium appears to be a natural antidepressant in soil and has no adverse health effects. These antidepressant microbes in soil may be as easy to use as just playing in the dirt.
Most avid Gardners will tell you that their landscape is their " HAPPY PLACE" and the actual physical act of gardening is a STRESS REDUCER & MOOD LIFTER. The fact that there is some science behind it adds additional credibility to these garden addict's claims.
Wish you all HAPPY GARDENING & Soil Playing...So let's get started.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
How Reducing Food Waste Could Ease Climate Change..?
Do you Know Producing the food we Throw Away generates more greenhouse
gases (GHGs) than most entire countries do ?
More than a third of all of the food that's produced on our
planet never reaches a table. It's either spoiled in
transit or thrown out by consumers in wealthier countries, who
typically buy too much and toss the excess. This works out to roughly 1.3
billion tons of food, worth nearly $1 trillion at retail prices.
Aside from the social, economic, and moral
implications of that waste—in a world where an estimated 805 million
people go to bed hungry each night—the environmental cost of
producing all that food, for nothing, is staggering.

What are the
ohn Mandyck, the chief sustainability officer of
United Technologies, a U.S.-based engineering and refrigerated transport firm,
says that food waste can be mitigated by improving the "cold
chain," which comprises refrigerated transport and
storage facilities.
However, we can't take today's sophisticated
refrigerated truck-trailer systems available in the U.S. and Europe and expect
they can be immediately adopted in emerging countries. In many cases, the roads
in these countries can't accommodate large truck systems, the technical skill
is not yet present to support the systems, and the economy can't yet afford the
systems. So we have to scale the technology to the local needs—smaller systems,
fewer features, more affordable...
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